Reports and studies

Redesign of trial phase

As mandated by the Federal Council, the Federal Chancellery and the cantons have produced a joint final report on the redesign and relaunch of e-voting trials. The report, drawn up after extensive consultation with experts from the academic research community and industrial sector, contains a catalogue of measures for relaunching the trials in stages. 

The Federal Council took note of the steering committee’s final report on 18 December 2020. It has tasked the Federal Chancellery with the gradual implementation of the new redesign measures and to present a draft consultation document containing the necessary amendments to the legal bases. Once these amendments have been made and the systems independently tested, e-voting trials can be relaunched.

Dialog with experts from the academic research community and the industrial sector

Expert Group Vote électronique

On 5 April 2017, the Federal Council instructed the Federal Chancellery to set up a group of experts to prepare the introduction of internet voting into regular operation. In this final report, the Expert Group Vote électronique presents its findings and concludes that the knowledge and procedural requirements are in place in Switzerland to establish internet voting as a third regular voting channel.

The final report is available in German, French and Italian.


Reports of the Federal Council

The Federal Council reports regularly on the Vote électronique project. The reports are available in German, French and Italian.


Report 2013

Report 2006

Intermediate report 2004

Report 2002