Federal Chancellor Viktor Rossi

Viktor Rossi has been head of the Federal Chancellery since 2024. The Federal Chancellor supports and advises the government.

Vice Chancellor ad interim

On 15 May 2024, Ursula Eggenberger took on the role of Vice Chancellor ad interim.

Vice Chancellor Rachel Salzmann

On 1 July 2024, Rachel Salzmann took on the role of Vice Chancellor.

Legal basis

The Federal Chancellery acts on the basis of the Government and Administration Organisation Act, among other regulations.

History of the Federal Chancellery

The Federal Council’s staff office is the oldest institution among the federal authorities - 45 years older than the federal state of Switzerland itself.

Working at the Federal Chancellery

Working for the Swiss government – at the heart of Swiss politics

Management team

The management team of the Federal Chancellery is composed of the Federal Chancellor, the two vice chancellors, the head of the Resources Sector and the head of the Digital Transformation and ICT Steering (DTI) Sector