Federal legislation

In Switzerland, the legal requirements for trials with electronic voting are specified in Article 8a of the Federal Act on Political Rights and in Articles 27a-q of the Ordinance on Political Rights (PoRO)  as well as in the Federal Chancellery Ordinance on Electronic Voting (OEV): 


Further documentation

Revision of the legal basis 2022

In the first stage in the redesign of e-voting trials, the legislation was revised in 2022. A consultation on the partial revision of the Ordinance on Political Rights (PoRO) and the total revision of the Federal Chancellery Ordinance on Electronic Voting (OEV) was held from 28 April to 18 August 2021 (see documentation below).

The revised legislation is intended to create a new, stable basis for the e-voting trials. In particular, the security of e-voting will be ensured with more precise security specifications, increased transparency requirements, closer cooperation with independent experts and effective examination by the Confederation. The revised ordinances came into force on 1 July 2022.

Media release of 25 May 2022

Consultation procedure 2021

Documents for the consultation procedure in German, French and Italian:


An (unofficial) translation of the documents for the consultation and of the report on the results in English are published here:
