Digital Federal Administration Strategy

The Federal Council's Digital Federal Administration Strategy defines the objectives of the digital transformation in the Federal Administration. These objectives are grouped into seven priorities. An annual transformation plan will steer the implementation of the strategy.

The strategy comprises a vision for digital transformation, eight guiding principles for the Federal Administration, and a set of strategic objectives that are grouped into seven priorities. The strategy is implemented in an agile manner. The administration aims to achieve the expected benefits set out in the strategy by 2030.

The basis for the Digital Federal Administration Strategy is the Ordinance on the Coordination of the Digital Transformation and ICT (DTIO), which defines the tasks, powers and responsibilities for the steering and management of ICT at federal level (VDTI).

The strategy is available in german, french and italian.


Digital Transformation and ICT Steering DTI Sector

Monbijoustrasse 91
CH-3003 Bern
+41 (0)58 463 46 64