Federal Administration ICT procurements

The Federal Administration's ICT Procurement Team encourages the bundling of procurements by using digital processes and efficient applications. It is managed by the Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Division (DTI) of the Federal Chancellery.

The bundling of ICT procurements ensures cost-effectiveness. The costs of organising and carrying out procurements of similar products are saved. High administrative costs are minimised by using digital processes and simple, efficient and user-friendly applications.

The ICT Procurement Team advises enquiring bodies on placing orders based on framework agreements and on using the related applications.

The tasks are regulated as follows in the Ordinance on the Organisation of Federal Public Procurement (Art. 7 Org-VöB):

The Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector of the Federal Chancellery encourages and provides support for the bundling of the procurement of information and communication technology (ICT) products and services in consultation with the relevant central procurement unit.

Further Information


Federal Chancellery

Digital transformation and ICT steering (DTI)

Monbijoustrasse 91
3003 Bern

+41 58 463 46 64


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