HR, Finance, Controlling Section

The HR, Finance, Controlling Section forms part of the resources hub in Internal Services and provides vital support to all sections in the Federal Chancellery.

The HR team employs all the concepts, instruments and measures of a modern human resources service to train, monitor and promote staff resources in the Federal Chancellery. Its key role is to support and advise the staff and management. It is also responsible for the training programme for apprentices and for managing events at the residences run by the Federal Chancellery.

Finance, Controlling
The main tasks of the Finance, Controlling team are:
- financial planning and controlling
- accounting and reporting
- supporting and advising management on resource use.

The team is also responsible for staff accounting, which covers all structural data, employee core data and transaction data relating to salary and time management. It also ensures that the terms of public procurement law are respected.

The Legislations team is responsible for authenticating signatures on documents required abroad. It certifies signatures from agencies in the Federal Administration, from the Swiss embassies and consulates and from foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in Switzerland. It also legalises signatures from cantonal chancelleries and organisations that carry out public duties in the general interest of the country.


Swiss Federal Chancellery HR, Finance, Controlling Section
Gurtengasse 5
3003 Bern


Human Resources: Denise Stöcklin

+41 58 463 81 28

Finance and Controlling: Adrian Rüfenacht

+41 58 462 76 86


+41 58 462 37 69

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