
Send us your invoice electronically

E-invoices are a modern, simple and secure way of issuing invoices. Instead of printing out your bill and sending it to the Federal Administration by post, you can send it electronically to an electronic invoicing service provider.

This saves time and money. We process your invoice rapidly, still in electronic form. Sounds easy? It is!

You can find out about the different types of electronic invoicing and decide which suits you best here: http://www.e-rechnung.admin.ch/

We can send you invoices electronically

No need to enter account details, amounts or reference numbers. In just a few clicks you can check the e invoice in online banking and authorise the payment. Paying bills electronically not only helps protect the environment, it also gives you the following benefits:

  • Paperless: You receive the invoice directly in your online banking system or your company’s accounting system.
  • Quick and easy: You don’t have to enter any account details.
  • Secure: You can control when the payment is made.

How to do it: http://www.e-rechnung.admin.ch/ 

Do you have a query about an invoice?

Please contact our specialists.

Weiterführende Informationen


Finances, Urs Burri

+41 58 462 37 22


Finances, Filomena Lanciano

+41 58 464 04 88


Print contact
